蕭秉治 Xiao Bing Chih [ 愛過你有多久就有多痛 Love Hurts ] Official Music Video
Director Lei Tao recently worked with B' in Music on Xiao Bing Chih's latest single "Love Hurts". This music video depicts how memories linger when a relationship ends. The best we can do is to find a way to let go of the bad memories, retain the good ones, and move on.
導演 Lei Tao 與相信音樂合作,執導蕭秉治最新單曲《愛過你有多久就有多痛》的MV。我們都曾經歷一段戀情結束後,回憶魂牽夢繫、纏繞不去的苦痛。希望每一位有情人,都能適時放下,保留那些美好的回憶,找到力量繼續往前走。
Client : 相信音樂國際股份有限公司
Artist : 蕭秉治Xiao Bing Chih
Production Company : LUCKYSPARKS